The home of the future: intelligent, comfortable, eco-responsible and 100% autonomous in terms of energy consumption. Homsphere homes generate all their electricity from the sun, with no carbon emissions and no electricity bills for homeowners. They store, quantify and re-allocate energy. Their production, consumption and home automation can be monitored at all times via the Homsphere application.
The homes produce more energy than the average annual consumption of a family. The surplus is sold in the summer and partially bought back in the winter. Experience shows that homes fitted with the Homsphere concept have a positive overall energy balance. For an average Swiss household, the annual savings average between CHF 4,000 and CHF 5,000 in electricity and heating costs.
Homsphere homes are amply self-sufficient to support our contemporary lifestyles: simplified, informed, comfortable. The connected network and the Homsphere algorithm instantly find the energy required at every moment of the day, for all the home’s equipment.
Homsphere homes are powered by the renewable energy produced by their photovoltaic surfaces and emit zero CO2. Right from the design stage, materials are carefully selected to limit CO2 emissions.
The energy and all the equipment in the homes are managed by a Central Server and a home automation system. It controls the electrical consumption of the homes. By creating groups of at least 4 homes, energy can be pooled and storage capacity optimized. The Microgrid – a shared management network – streamlines production and consumption relations.
Benefits for buyers
What guarantees does a “Homspherised” project offer?
Among other things, it will mean
Zero CO2 emissions when living in your home and for local transport
Zero energy consumption while living in the home and for local transport
Homsphere’s presence and guarantee for 30 years to ensure the smooth technical operation of the ecosystem and everything connected to it
A sustainable financial investment
A property that already meets 2050 standards, avoiding new technical expenditure in the short to medium term
Cost savings planned over 30 years, allowing you to accelerate the depreciation of your property
Long-term protection against changes and fluctuations in energy prices
A rental investment that pays for itself more quickly because it is easier to let or more expensive to let